Monday, May 31, 2010

If you are given one wish only, what would you wish?

Pang William Imagine if you are given one wish... only one wish in this life time, what would you wish?

May 31 at 3:16am · ·
    • DAwn Rubin hmmmmmmm
      May 31 at 3:20am ·
    • Nani Yi JESUS CHRIST my LOVE!!!!!!!
      May 31 at 3:28am ·
    • Pang William Let's see how many different answers we get... interesting question. right?
      May 31 at 3:37am ·
    • Sandy Crosby Thats a good question, my first thoughts were to go back in time & do it right..but what about wish every single person could be saved, or I wish Jesus didnt have to die or rather I wish man didnt ever sin- ever
      May 31 at 4:15am ·
    • Pang William Only one wish... Sandy. Tough choice?
      May 31 at 4:23am ·
    • Steve Berchtold That all people were saved and not any were deceived again. Is that one or two?
      May 31 at 4:45am ·
    • DAwn Rubin I'm still thinking...
      May 31 at 4:46am ·
    • Pang William Steve, I take that as one... once saved always saved!
      May 31 at 4:49am ·
    • DAwn Rubin that Adam never ate the apple? lol..
      May 31 at 4:52am ·
    • Pang William I love you, Dawn... I thought of Nani's answer but then I asked myself what if others don't receive Christ? So I guess that's the best answer. Any better one?
      May 31 at 4:56am ·
    • DAwn Rubin lol..I didn't know if that answer counted since it's past
      May 31 at 4:58am ·
    • Pang William why not? If a wish is given by God, it shall be counted! No condition attached.
      May 31 at 5:01am ·
    • Pang William I want to thank you all on behalf of our Daddy in heaven. He is very very please to see this bunch of His children so so much in love with Him. Thank you Jesus for everything You've done for us. Thank you for loving us and We love You too!
      May 31 at 5:07am ·
    • DAwn Rubin
      awwww. we love you too Pang...
      check out this scripture!
      Malachi 3:16- Then those who feared the LORD talked with each other, and the LORD listened and heard. A scroll of remembrance was written in his presence concerning those who feared the LORD and honored his name.
      May 31 at 5:14am ·
    • Pang William Amen Dawn. I may not know many things but one thing I know... I'll never trade my position in Christ, even for a hundred millions dollars or more! How many are with me? :O
      May 31 at 5:21am ·
    • Steve Berchtold
      Joh 6:67 Therefore, Jesus said to the Twelve, Do you also wish to go?
      Joh 6:68 Then Simon Peter answered Him, Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the Words of everlasting life.
      Joh 6:69 And we have believed and have known that You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.
      May 31 at 5:41am ·
    • Jeda Chakas Wisdom like king solomon
      May 31 at 9:09am ·
    • Pang William Jeda, Wisdom is a wise choice.

      Dawn, I think of a better way to phase it... "That Adam would eat the fruit of the Tree of Life".
      May 31 at 4:50pm ·
    • Susan Phillips Prince That everyone would know the wonderful, amazing, mighty, powerful, redeeming,undeserving,life changing, everlasting,and fullness Love of CHRIST JESUS !!
      May 31 at 10:12pm ·
    • Malcolm Wun ang tau peng
      May 31 at 10:25pm ·
    • Pang William Mal... If you've been living in the desert, I guess you made the right choice... hehe.... For the benefit of my readers, he meant something of local delicacy in Malaysia - a crashed ice blended beans dessert.
      May 31 at 11:19pm ·
    • Lori Walters I would wish (pray) that the body of Christ would have an eye opening revelation of who we are IN Christ!It is my belief that many Christians have an identity crisis, they aren't believing that they are brand new creations! When we are IN Christ, God no longer calls us sinners. He calls us the Righteousness of God in Christ, More than Conquerors and Triumphant Always in Christ! If you are interested in doing a personal study of who we are in Christ, I have a list in my notes section that is quite lengthy with scriptures. :D
      June 1 at 10:42am ·
    • Pang William
      Amen Lori. Even till now, few understood the true meaning of the term "IN CHRIST". Many said they do, but when they talked you know they don't cos they still talk about do and don't. Let me use a simple Q/A to stir the minds...

      Q: Where are you now? A: In Christ.
      Q: How are you now? A: Perfect.
      Q: Do you need more? A: No.
      Q: Are you still you? A: No.
      Q: Who are you now? A: Christ.

      The true life begins only when we know who we really are IN CHRIST!! Lori, I would love to learn from you. Please send me your study note at Thank you and Praise Abba Daddy!
      June 1 at 10:31pm ·

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