Saturday, August 14, 2010

The promise of God is for me by Grace through Faith...

Pang William The promise of God is for me by Grace through Faith... there is nothing for me to do except to believe! That I become of Christ's, that made me an Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise. Gal 3:29. But if I try to ...

August 14 at 5:39pm · ·
    • Pang William
      But if I try to earn that promise, I have come under the law... and Faith is made void and the promise made of no effect! Rom 4:14

      Rom 11:6 And if by grace, then it is no longer of works; otherwise grace is no longer grace. But if it is of works, it is no longer grace; otherwise work is no longer work. ... Grace is given but it cannot be earned but simply received... even with an ungrateful heart! He loves us even when we were sinners, He loves us even when we crucified Him! Grace is only Grace when we don't deserve it! Thank You Daddy for His Grace!
      August 14 at 5:39pm · · 3 people
    • Stanley Yarborough GOD dosent love sinners, Matthew 7;21-23, Psalms 11;5, 5;5,HE loves those who accept HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON'S sacrifice, and follow HIM,
      August 14 at 5:53pm ·
    • David Kosalim
      that is true indeed! omg your logic is very similar to mine! such as
      Grace is only Grace when we don't deserve it!
      He loves us even when we were sinners, He loves us even when we crucified Him!

      Yes. Romans 5 (MSG) says:
      But God put his love on the line for us by offering his Son in sacrificial death while we were of no use whatever to him.
      Now that we are set right with God by means of this sacrificial death, the consummate blood sacrifice, there is no longer a question of being at odds with God in any way. If, when we were at our worst, we were put on friendly terms with God by the sacrificial death of his Son, now that we're at our best, just think of how our lives will expand and deepen by means of his resurrection life!
      August 14 at 6:01pm ·
    • Pang William We were all sinners until we received Grace... If God doesn't love the sinners, why would He save the sinners? God loves the sinners but He doesn't love sins!!!
      August 14 at 6:02pm · · 1 person
    • David Kosalim and I found this amazing verse from Ephesians 5:
      His love was not cautious but extravagant. He DIDN'T love in order to GET SOMETHING FROM US but to give everything of himself to us.
      August 14 at 6:03pm · · 1 person
    • Anthony Wasike If itry to use human understanding then imight miss Gods blessings coz they a spiritualy decerned
      August 14 at 6:12pm · · 2 people
    • Stanley Yarborough
      GOD dosent love sinners, HE gives all an opportunity to no longer be sinners to be washed in JESUS CHRIST blood, cleansed adopted into HIS Amily, therefore no longer being sinners 1 John 3;1-10, But if one rejects this free gift, they are still sinners, not free from bondage of sin and hell bound, GOD'S WORD, CHRIST dosent say GOD loves sinners, says quiet the opposite, just sharing out of love Psalms 11;5, 5;5 Matthew 7;21-23, CHRIST says HE will tell the worker of iniquity I never knew you, GOD'S WORD, CHRIST says what HE means ,means what HE says, sharing out of love
      August 14 at 6:24pm ·
    • Kristy Gamble
      Yet while were still sinners, Christ died for us!!!! If God didnt love sinnes, Jesus would not have eaten with tax collectors and prostitutes, saved Mary Magdaline.....Jesus did not come for the righteous, bu for the sinnes!!!! There are so many people out there who feel bad enough about themselves...please do not add to that by saying somethin that is so beyond untrue I cannot believe people would even say that. We need to encourage people by telling them about Gods love, not making them feel worse. GOD SOOO LOVED THE WORLD!!! Sorry, but this really upsets me. God is love!!! he made us all and he loves us. He is no respector of persons, so if he doesnt love someone, then he doesnt love anyone!!!! This reminds me of someone I saw on TV at a gay/lesbian rally that says "God Hates Fags"...I was s angry I wanted to jump through the TV and tear that sign into a million pieces!!!!! GOD HATES SIN BUT LOVES THE SINNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Noone should go around spreading hate, but if you are born should be ashamed of yourself!!! Stop working for the devil and get back on Gods side. Hate belongs to the has no place in a believers life!!!! CHOOSE THIS DAY WHO YOU WILL SERVE!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry, but I really felt lead to let that out!! Blessings!!
      August 14 at 6:35pm ·
    • Kristy Gamble Forgive the spelling mistakes.....keyboard sticks!!
      August 14 at 6:37pm ·
    • Stanley Yarborough
      CHRIST came to save the lost indeed, what does CHRIST say Matthew 7;21-23, Psalms 11;5, 5;5, Who is a worker of iniuity, not trying to argue, just sharing THE TRUTH, will we were still sinners, CHRIST came and gave us an opportunity to be cleansed of sin and adopted into THE GREATEST family ever, what verse says GOD loves a sinner, when clearly HIS WORD, tells us sin is of the devil and GOD'S children do not sin 1 John 3;1-10, that he dosent even hear the prayers of sinners John 9;31, we are to serve in TRUTH and SPIRIT, and be obedient keep HIS WORD, and COMMANDMENTS out of love Exodus 20;5-6 Proverbs 8;17, Psalms 34;16, 146;8 Proverbs15;9 , John 14;21-23, Shows who GOD loves , HIS children, HE gives all the world the oppourtunity to be HIS children those who reject this gift are still sinners and workers of iniquity, HE dosent love them,nor know them, GOD'S WORD, CHRIST is clear Matthew 7;21-23 for HE so loved the world, HE gives all th oppourtunity,
      August 14 at 6:54pm ·
    • Stanley Yarborough Kristy all are HIS. CREATION, but all are not HIS children, HE loves HIS children and they do not sin, 1 John 5;3, remeber my FATHER created all those who drowned in the flood of Noah's time, why did HE drown them for they greived HIM because they were evil workers of iniquity, THE TRUTH is THE LIGHT, just pointing out THE TRUTH according to GOD'S WORD, CHRIST, THE ONLY TRUTH, WAY , and LIFE ONLY WAY to THE FATHER, john 14;6-26, for THE TRUTH, GOD'S WORD, CHRISTis THE ONLY ONE WHO saves
      August 14 at 6:58pm ·
    • Stanley Yarborough And as a follower of GOD'S WORD, CHRIST I hate all ungodly things, GOD'S children are not to embrace, support nor love ungodly things, I have shared GOD'S WORD, CHRIST given the scriptures, its up to you to accept GOD'S WORD, CHRIST or not, THE TRUTH is THE LIGHT, my FATHER'S WORD, CHRIST speaks for HIMSELF
      August 14 at 7:07pm ·
    • David Kosalim
      hahaha it's easy: to all those who think they are not sinners and have no sin, they are totally liars! John wrote that in his first letter. If anyone says "I don't sin after becoming child of God", he must be a liar! nor there is truth in that man.
      let me ask you: if you can sin no more at all, why do you receive His grace? Moses' covenant would fit the description of people who are blessed and belong to God IF they do not sin. you don't need Jesus if you can sin no more at all!
      August 14 at 7:17pm · · 1 person
    • Kristy Gamble
      As a follower of Christ, it is your obligation to Love all people. God is love!! This does not mean we are to view sin as acceptable or tolerable to God, because yes he does hate all sin. What you are saying about we are not to embrace ungoldy things is correct, but ungodly people is something different. I gave you examples in the bible, people who jesus showed love to, who otherwise would have been downcast. Let me ask you something.....before you were saved did God love you???? If not, than he wouldnt have wanted to save you. People who believe that God doesnt love a certain type or group of people are usually people who do not accept those groups of people themselves, and in their self-righteousness, they are looking for an acceptable excuse to hate others. You seem quite hostile....perhaps you need to just allow Jesus to love you..then you will be able to love othjers in return. God so loved the WORLD...not just the righteous....John 3:16....While we were sinners Christ died for us...Rom 5:8.......The son of man came to seek that which was lost (why would he seek the lost if he didnt love them)......Luke 19:10.........The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men might consider slackness, but this longsuffering to us-word...NOT WILLING THAT ANY SHOULD PERISH, BUT THAT AL SHOUD COME TO REPENTANCE.....2 Peter 3:9..........We love HIM because HE first LOVED us!!!!!!! 1st John 419......Please stop telling people that God doesnt love them. You could very well be hindering others from accepting the free gift of salvation. Faith, Hope and Love.....but THE GREATEST OF THESE IS LOVE!!!!! We were all enemies of God before our salvation, so what makes us better than anyone who is not saved?? How do you know whether or not someone is Gods child?? Maybe they havent accepted him yet. They might be saved in another 5 years, does that mean he will hate them until they repent??? Im not going to argue....Obviously you are full of anger and looking for an excuse to HATE!!! Nowonder why the world is the way it is, because of people preaching HATE rather than LOVE. God is love and the devil is hate, you are choosing to spread the word of the devil, rathe than the word of God!! God still LOVES you, as he LOVES everyone....but he doesnt love you before you start to believe you are better than ANYONE else remember, GOD CHOSE YOU, YOU DIDNT CHOOSE GOD!!! DONT BECOME SELF-RIGHTEOUS, GOD RESISTS THE PROUD AND EXALTS THE HUMBLE!!!!
      August 14 at 7:29pm · · 1 person
    • Stanley Yarborough
      David actually that is incorrect, Paul wrote all who say they have no sin makes CHRIST a liar, for all men have sinned and need THE SAVIOUR, once you accept CHRIST and become a child of GOD you are not to continue in sin, everyone needs to be washed by THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST, for truly no natural man is sin free and definetly in need of THE ONLY SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST, please look at that verse again, GOD'S children don't sin 1 John 3;1-10, we are to be perfect as our FATHER is perfect, GOD'S children are blessed with GOD'S SPIRIT, that is how we are able to walk as THE LIGHT, no longer walking after the flesh, but in THE SPIRIT OF GOD, can do all things through CHRIST JESUS whom strengthens us, Philippians 4;13, those set free by THE SON are free indeed, if you are free from bondage of sin, why would you continue to sin,please read Romans 6 , sharing THE TRUTH, GOD'S WORD, CHRIST out of love
      August 14 at 7:34pm ·
    • Stanley Yarborough Kristy that is why I am sharing THE TRUTH, GOD'S WORD, CHRIST out of love for my FATHER first and foremost, my family, and that I as my FATHER want none to persih, LOVE is THE TRUTH, and JESUS CHRIST, GOD'S WORD, in THE FLESH,is THE TRUTH, THE WAY, and THE LIFE, I boast in nothing nor anyone but THE LORD, and those that do righteous are righteous and we are made righteous by THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST and blessed with GOD'S SPIRIT to show us THE WAY
      August 14 at 7:38pm ·
    • Kristy Gamble
      This is just ridicilous!!!! Stan, God loves you very much!! I will pray that you see that, and see others through the eyes of Jesus. Noon is perfect on our own, its only therightesness of jesus that makes us righteous. Without Love we have nothing. Weare all guilty, even still, because we are not perfect. This is nonesence and you need to Love all people, as we all do. You are obliged to love everyone, because God loves you even thoe you sin. You look like a grown man, if I have to remind you that you are to love all people, there is definetly something wrong. Maybe you need to know how much God loves you, that he saved you while you were a sinner, so that you can look at others and see how much God loves them too....God IS LOVE, ANY PREACHING ON HATE IS FROM THE DEVIL.......PANG, I AM NOT TRYING TO TELL YOU WHO TO HAVE ON YOUR FACEBOOKPAGE, BUT IF YOU HAVE SOMEONE WHO IS PREACHING HATE ON YOR PAGE, OTHERS MAY QUESTION YOUR LOVE FOR OTHERS AS WELL.....JUST SAYING, I WOULD HATE FOR YOU TO LOOSE FRIENDS BECAUSE OF SOMEONE PREACHING THE DEVILS WORD. IM NOT GOING TO ANSWER ANYMORE, IM NOT FEEDING ANYTHING THAT IS NOT OF LOVE ANYMORE. GOD BLESS, AND REMEMBER....NO MATTER WHO YOU ARE .....GOD LLLOOOOVVVVEEESSS YYYYOOOUUU!!!!!!!!!
      August 14 at 7:43pm ·
      August 14 at 7:44pm ·
      August 14 at 7:46pm ·
    • Stanley Yarborough
      In no way am I angry and yes when I was a worker of iniuity God Hated me, that is a fact HIS WORD, CHRIST says so, pslams 11;5, Psalms 5;5, HE wishes none to perish but if they reject CHRIST then they remain sinners and workers of iniquity,and HE hates all workers of inquity, that is just THE TRUTH, I thank my LORD and SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST for HIS sacrifice and for adoption into THE GREATEST family ever, but I know when I was on the other side, my FATHER hated me, HIS WORD, CHRIST is FAITHFUL and TRUE, not full of hate, full of my FATHER'S love that is why I share THE TRUTH, GOD'S WHOLE TRUE WORD, CHRIST, you attack and insult me for sharing THE TRUTH, but love sinners, who are rejecting GOD'S TRUTH, that is odd, Psalms 1;1, I am a follower of GOD'S WORD, CHRIST, we are to share THE TRUTH, if not accepted move on, it is up to every individual to accept CHRIST or not, receive HIM or reject HIM for those that recevie HIM eternal life, for those that don't, Matthew 10;10-15, it wiill be better for the cities of Sodom And Gomorrah, GOD'S WORD, CHRIST is clear, until a person is born again, they are not my brother sister, mother, and they are not GOD'S children, they maybe later on in life, but until they are born again,blessed with GOD'S SPIRIT, new creatures in CHRIST, they are not, that is just THE TRUTH, GOD'S WHOLE TRUE WORD, CHRIST
      August 14 at 7:51pm ·
    • Yvonne Matengeni
      Oh my God i can't believe what im reading. I just cn't bilive it!!! Im shocked!!! If we read the Word of God without the help of The Holy Spirit we get it all wrong. The Holy spirit enables us with the revelation of the Word of God. Somebody might know the word from Genesis to Revelation knowing word 2 word bt without revelation from the holy Spirit is just like taking a book written in French when u dn't understand one word of French & read it. 'GOD IS LOVE' not hate. If God didn't love sinners i don't think i would be who i am 2day, if im to tell you where God picked me up u wouldn't be saying that. He picked me in sin & upto nw i sin bt he continues to loves me, bt as soon as i realise tht i've sinned i ask 4 forgiveness & he forgives me. A righteouss man is not a man who doesn't sin, bt one who when he sins, immediately as he sins he ask for forgiveness frm God & he is forgiven. When Jesus ws goin 2 heaven he told his disciples tht he will leave the Holy Spirit our helper. Meaning he will help us in everything coz God knws we cn't do without the holy spirit. Mk 10:18 says "Why do you call me good?" Jesus answered, "No one is Good except God alone." John 8 talks about a woman who was caught in Adultery caught in act, bt Jesus did nt Condemn that woman bt he said "if any one of you is without sin, let them throw a stone at her." no one throwed a stone. Everyone sins. Read again 1john 1:8 it says 'if we CLAIM to be without sin, we decieve ourselves & the truth is not in us.' I dn't knw wer its nt clear here. If its nt ask the holy spirit for revelation. Mark 12 says "Love your neibhour as urself. There is no commandment greater than these." He is a merciful God & loves all. Mat15:24 says Jesus answered, " I was send only for the Lost sheep of Israel." Who are these lost sheep somebody help me? God love sinners bt nt the sin. Coz the devil is the father of lies. Please People its better 4 one 2 be silent when they dn't understand these things of the spirit than lying.
      August 14 at 9:02pm ·
    • Stanley Yarborough
      What did JESU CHRIST tell the woman after that, sin no more, how do all leave that part of scripture out, Hebrews 10;26, what does GOD'S WORD say, HE is clear, I only shared scripture, GOD'S children don't sin, sin is of the devil, when JESUSU healed the man, saw him later at the temple, what did JESUS tell HIM, sin no more do the punishment will be worse, so many are decieved by this I can continue to sin, to do so is not to be a child of GOD 1 john 3;1-10, Romans 6, your argument is not with me but GOD'S WORD, CHRIST, and as far as sinners, GOD'S WORD, tells how HE feels about them Psalms 11;5, Psalms 5;5, Matthew 7;21-23, Rev 22;14,15,2 Corinthians 5;10, the devil has entered the church as GOD'S WORD, CHRIST clearly warns of Acts 20;26-31, Galatians 2;4 Jude 3-4 And are perverting GOD'S grace and HIS WORD, CHRIST, galatians 1;6-8, Romans 16;17,18 deceiving the hearts of the simple, by fair words and good speeches, teaching you are of GOD and continuing to live in sin, if you are truly set free by THE SON, you are free indeed, and you don't continue in sin, that is THE TRUTH
      August 14 at 9:16pm ·
    • Yvonne Matengeni Stan im just so shocked that after all the truth u're being taught u still refuse to understand. And i just feel like cryin. The word of God says "my people perish because of Lack of knowledge." When the word of God says God is Love what does it mean 2 u? Are u perfect when u say u hate sinners? Are u perfect?
      August 14 at 9:20pm ·
    • Stanley Yarborough That is one of the biggest lies pushed in the church, GOD loves the sinner but hates the sin, what does GOD'S WORD, CHRIST say Psalms 11;5, 5;5,Psalms 34;16, 146;8 Matthew 7;21-23, Proverbs 8;17,Proverbs 15;9, John 14;21-23, I used to walk on the darkside, now I am a child of GOD blessed with HIS SPIRIT and HE definetly gets ALL THE GLORY, HONOUR, and PRAISE,and THE TRUTH is THE LIGHT
      August 14 at 9:21pm ·
    • Stanley Yarborough GOD 'S WORD, CHRIST never contradicts HIMSELF HE Is the same yesterday, today and forever, HE hates all workers of iniquity, Since THE FATHER, THE SON, and THE HOLY GHOST are ONE, is JESUS CHRIST not good, HE is all that is GOOD, HE is GOD
      August 14 at 9:23pm ·
    • Stanley Yarborough I and THE FATHER am ONE, WHO ARE YOU, I AM, THE FATHER, SON, and HOLY GHOST, theses THREE being ONE, John 1;1 In the beginning was THE WORD, and THE WORD was with GOD, and THE WORD was GOD, I Timothy 3;16 "And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: GOD was manifest in the flesh, justified in THE SPIRIT, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up inot glory."
      August 14 at 9:30pm ·
    • Stanley Yarborough Exactly yvonne like the knowledge of who our neighbor is, our neighbor is not everyone, but our brothers and sisters in CHRIST whoare hearers and doers of THE WORD
      August 14 at 9:33pm ·
    • Yvonne Matengeni I asked you a question Mr Stan! Are u Perfect? Lets start frm there?
      August 14 at 9:34pm ·
    • Naomi Lang'at Stan we r drawn to God coz of his love. And even if i sin i have an advocate.
      August 14 at 9:45pm ·
    • Naomi Lang'at God is love He cant help but love.
      August 14 at 9:49pm ·
    • Stanley Yarborough
      Brother and neighbor are synonyms, meaning the same thing who are our brothers, sisters, mother Luke 8;21 Those that are hearers and doers of GOD'S WORD, CHRIST, Leviticus 19;16-18, Levitcus 19;33-34, Deuteronomy 23;19,20, Lev 18;36, who is the sojourner, one who abides by GOD'S WORD, CHRIST exodus 12;48,49 Exodus 2;49(Passover) Leviticus 16;29(Atonement feast) Leviticus 17;8(presenting offering) Deuteronomy 16;11 (all feasts) Lev 25;6( sharing in Sabbath rest) Acts 7;26,27, Galatians 5;13-15, But who are our brothers, siters, mothers, Luke 8;21, Ephesians 4;25, James 2;1-5, 1 John 3;10, I am not in anyway saying we are not to help whomever we can, but our brothers and sisters, and mother(our neighbors) we are to love as we love ourselves, we are always to do unto others as we would have them do unto us, for I am GOD'S child, that is our duty, but the only ones we are to love as we love ourselves, is our brethren Luke 8;21Matthew 12;48-50
      August 14 at 9:54pm ·
    • Yvonne Matengeni Stan u're still avoiding my question!! Are u perfect, you dn't ever sin ever?
      August 14 at 10:00pm ·
    • Stanley Yarborough I don't sin, I am GOD'S child, have been freed from the bondage of sin, not by me but by JESUS CHRIST, my past sins have been washed away, and I know longer walk according to the flesh, but by THE SPIRIT, God Can do it for all of you to
      August 14 at 10:03pm ·
    • Stanley Yarborough I don't sin, I am GOD'S child, have been freed from the bondage of sin, not by me but by JESUS CHRIST, my past sins have been washed away, and I know longer walk according to the flesh, but by THE SPIRIT, GOD Can do it for all of you to
      August 14 at 10:03pm ·
    • Stanley Yarborough One of the beiggest tools the devil uses is to convince you you will never be free from the bondage of sin, that is the devil's deceit and a lie
      August 14 at 10:04pm ·
    • Naomi Lang'at Stan are you a jew?
      August 14 at 10:06pm ·
    • Stanley Yarborough Yvonne we are to be perfect as our FATHER in heaven is PERFECT, through the endwelling of THE HOLY SPIRIT, KEEPING GOD'S WORD, CHRIST and COMMANDMENTS, we can and will be, if we follow HIS guidance
      August 14 at 10:06pm ·
    • Stanley Yarborough All GOD'S children are Jews, Not outwardly but inwardly through the circumcisison of the heart by THE HOLY SPIRIT, Romans 2;28,29
      August 14 at 10:09pm ·
    • Pang William Haha... How much more of His Grace do we need to know that... He loves us??? Sad, sad...
      August 14 at 10:14pm ·
    • Stanley Yarborough Are we to continue to sin so grace may abound, GOD forbid
      August 14 at 10:29pm ·
    • Stanley Yarborough Are we to continue to sin so grace may abound, GOD forbid, many men perverting GOD'S grace, Please be aware
      August 14 at 10:30pm ·
    • Stanley Yarborough Are we to continue to sin so grace may abound, GOD forbid, many men perverting GOD'S grace, Please be aware, Jude 1-25, I share out of and for my FATHER
      August 14 at 10:32pm ·
    • Annatjie Nel Roos So True...... AMEN !!!
      August 14 at 10:37pm ·
    • Stanley Yarborough To continue to willfully sin is to not have sacrifice for our sins, Hebrew 10;26, once we know something is a sin, as children of GOd We are not to do it, for sin is of the devil, not my FATHER
      August 14 at 10:55pm ·
    • Yvonne Matengeni Stan u say u dn't sin & u qouted 1 john1:1-10. Vs 8 says 'If we CLAIM to be without sin, we decieve ourselves and the truth is not in us.' meaning if we say we don't sin we are liers! Is tht what ur bible say or maybe we are reading diffrnt bibles?
      August 14 at 11:26pm ·
    • Stanley Yarborough No actually that verse is speaking to anyone who says they haven't sinned and don't need a SAVIOUR or to be washed in JESUS BLOOD, is a liar, miquoted verse meant 1 John 3;1-10, But all GOD'S WORD, CHRIST is FAITHFUL and TRUE,all before blessed with GOD'S SPIRIT have sinned and need Jesus christ Inorder to be cleansed and made righteous anyone who says they haven't sinned therefore not in need of THE SAVIOUR is definetly a lie, as GOD'S WORD, CHRIST says, sorry about the misquote I meant 1 John 3;1-10
      August 14 at 11:35pm ·
    • Stanley Yarborough
      No actually that verse is speaking to anyone who says they haven't sinned and don't need a SAVIOUR or to be washed in JESUS BLOOD, is a liar,for we know all have sinned and fall short of the glory and that there is ONE WAY TO THE FATHER, ONE TRUTH, WAY, and LIFE GOD'S WORD IN THE FLESH JESUS CHRIST miquoted verse meant 1 John 3;1-10, But all GOD'S WORD, CHRIST is FAITHFUL and TRUE,all before blessed with GOD'S SPIRIT have sinned and need Jesus christ Inorder to be cleansed and made righteous anyone who says they haven't sinned therefore not in need of THE SAVIOUR is definetly a lie, as GOD'S WORD, CHRIST says, sorry about the misquote I meant 1 John 3;1-10
      August 14 at 11:36pm ·
    • Yvonne Matengeni
      U seem 2 knw the word of God so well, even the devil knws the word of God but he doesn't understand it. You don't have the revalation of what it actually means. U knw every scripture by head bt u dn't right interpretation of what its saying. And its so sad that people are trying to show u the right path bt ur head is like a stone if we throw it on the ground it remains the same. Like i said before a person can buy a book written in french & don't even know how 2 say 'hi' in French. That person can read tht book & memorise word 2 word in that book. Bt that doesn't make that person understand French. Bt it confuses them more. Unless someone comes & interpret what is written in tht book thats when that person will start understanding whats in tht book. For u to have the intertepration u need to recieve the Holy Spirit in u, who will help u to understand What exacly is being said nt those wrong interpratation of you're. Its better for you not to say anything than lie about God that God is a Hater when he is a Lover. Do u even knw what the holy spirit is becoz if u do u wldn't be sayin those foolish things. Shame on you, i feel sorry for you. I've washed my hands.
      August 15 at 12:41am ·
    • Stanley Yarborough Only those not of God Reject HIS WORD, CHRIST I guess. John 3;1-10 Didn't fit the way you choose to live
      August 15 at 12:44am ·
    • Stanley Yarborough MY Father's spirit Reveals HIS WORD, CHRIST to all who know HIM and LOVE HIM, keep HIS WORD, CHRIST and COMMANDMENTS John 14;6-26, THE TRUTH is THE LIGHT, can't be of THE LIGHT JESUS CHRIST and continue to walk in darkness and in sin, those set free by THE SON, are FREE indeed
      August 15 at 12:47am ·
    • Yvonne Matengeni DID U RECIEVE THE HOLY SPIRIT?
      August 15 at 12:51am ·
    • Stanley Yarborough PRAISE GOD ,Definetly blessed with my FATHER'S SPIRIT, definetly, and HE definetly has brought GOD'S WORD, CHRIST to LIFE , and has totaaly transformed me from the sinner I used to be, now a new creature in CHRIST JESUS
      August 15 at 1:22am ·
    • Stanley Yarborough GOD did and continues to do it for me, HE can and will do it for all that believe on CHRIST truxt HIM, and submit to HIM
      August 15 at 1:31am ·
    • Pang William I think that's enough... For me I still believe God loves the sinners because He loved me while I was a sinner as much as now a son of God. Because of His love for me while I was a sinner, I've become who I am today... His beloved in Christ! How many of you are still with me? :))
      August 15 at 5:18am ·
    • Yvonne Matengeni Iam 1000% percent with you. GOD is for everyone. He loves everybody. He doesn't Choose.
      August 15 at 5:46am · · 1 person
    • Yvonne Matengeni Gudnite its 11pm ths side. Im sleeping nw.
      August 15 at 5:53am ·
    • Pang William Good night my dear! Rest in Him!
      August 15 at 5:55am ·

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