Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Is the wilderness the will of God?

Pang William
"The Israelites were promised their promised land when Moses took them out of Egypt. The journey from Egypt to the promised land is supposed to be only 10 days but God took them 40 years to enter the promised land. God sure have a long winded way of keeping his promise. God is not in a hurry."... What do you have to say of this statement?
  • You, Cathy Rheeder and Derrick Day like this.
    • Derrick Day When I was a young man playing football, I remember when my teammates or myself would miss an assignment during practice, the coach would make us run a lap around the field. Once you mastered your assignment, you did not have to run laps anymore. The children of Israel missed multiple assignments and, therefore, had to take 40 years worth of laps!
      Monday at 1:38pm · · 2 people
    • Ebenezer Sam And consider that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation.
      2 Pt 3v15a
      Monday at 1:50pm · · 1 person
    • Pang William But is it God's will that we stay in the wilderness for 40 years?
      Monday at 1:52pm · · 2 people
    • Derrick Day ‎@ Pang, no it isn't. God's will is that we enter into His rest by His grace. Many times we miss God by omission or commission -- this was the case with the children of Israel.
      Monday at 1:53pm · · 1 person
    • Joshen Zu Xian definitely not... God's will is for you to enter your rest, but how long it takes, is totally up to you
      Monday at 1:53pm · · 3 people
    • Ebenezer Sam If that will finally take them to the promised land.
      Monday at 1:57pm ·
    • John P. Cwynar The wilderness wanderings was old covenant stuff (that is valid today only if you attend a Pentecostal church and backslide.:) Under the New Covenant... NOW is the accepted time, behold NOW is the day of salvation... and TODAY is the day to enter into His Rest. Thank You, Jesus!
      Monday at 2:00pm · · 4 people
    • Mixue Ling
      God has already PROMISED them the land. However, when the Israeli mossad were sent to spy on the land, 10 came back to say that they saw giants who made them feel small (like grasshoppers in their own sight). Only Joshua and Caleb came back with a different report and spirit (the bigger the giants, the better - they are like bread for their nourishment).

      Because of this - UNBELIEVE - that entire generation of the children of Israel were not allowed to enter the promised land. Only their children and Joshua and Caleb, did. (Not even Moses; that's a different story altogether.)

      I guess we inherit the promises of God more quickly when we take God at His word and believe them simply - as children. This is why it was the children of the liberated slaves who entered the promised land and not their parents.
      Monday at 2:05pm · · 5 people
    • Ebenezer Sam Let us therfore be diligent to enter that rest, lest anyone fall according to the same example of disobedience.
      Heb 4v11
      Monday at 2:08pm · · 3 people
    • Rudy Rodriguez Pang I believe that Jesus broke that fruitless wilderness curse of Israels disobedience and murmuring and the rejection of Gods leadership in the desert, when He was led into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil for 40 days, because Jesus did not grumble, or complain, but spoke and submitted Himself to the written word of God and fulfilled the obedience to the law and to the Father for us all! The forty days of Jesus was a divine reversal for the 40 years of Israels failure!
      Monday at 2:11pm · · 6 people
    • Derrick Day Thank you, Jesus! No more laps!
      Monday at 2:13pm · · 3 people
    • Pang William Thanks guys... Rest is the promised land. Now the question is are you at Rest? Or are you still trying to enter?
      Monday at 3:29pm · · 2 people
    • Derrick Day I am in Jesus and His Word abides in me -- therefore, I am in His rest!
      Monday at 3:30pm · · 2 people
    • Mixue Ling That's why the bible exhorts us to 'labour to enter that rest' (Hebrews 4:1-11). This 'labouring' is in the context of us ceasing from works (which is one of the hardest thing for a human - and God knows it). Hence acknowledging that, I believe God told us that if we 'labour' at all, it should be labour into His rest, ceasing from all works and trusting in His finished work. :)
      Monday at 4:01pm · · 5 people
    • John P. Cwynar Boy... this ceasing from works is hard work... I think I will take a nap!
      Monday at 9:42pm · · 1 person

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