"For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Rom 6:23)
For if by the one man's offense death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ. (Rom 5:17) Christ is our ultimate gift, the inheritance to us to live a life in great abundance on earth as it is in heaven. Behold Jesus and through Him we live that ultimate gift. Hear Him!
Missions. Before you Build a Tower...
2 days ago
I love this blog: my "pick me up"...my tea with Jesus just as Alan had tea with Paul! :)
Thank you, Yaso
Grace & love.
Can you believe that Yaso is an one year old Christian born in the Holy of Hollies (a Church which is fully grace based.)
We used to tell him that he is so blessed to born in the Holy of Hollies and do not have to suffer from those meaningless sin offerings at the outer court like we used to perform...!
He is Jesus' witness for the power of His grace and I just can't understand why there are still many Christian shy away from Grace...
Let us continue to have tea with Paul and our Lord Jesus!
Jesus ROCK!!!
Hi, I knew of Alan's tea with Paul but not your tea with Jesus. Well... I like both of them.
God is so good and we are so so blessed to truely know Him. Thank you so much for your love and encouragement that I really needed. Praise Daddy for you are my true friends indeed. Jamie, though we have not met but we are one heart in Him. Love you both.
Oh to be born into Grace and to KNOW it!! To be taught Grace from "new birth" on, what a blessing!
We have been "in Grace" for 8 years but we had to "unlearn" a lifetime of identifying with Law, not Grace. Watchman Nee's The Normal Christian Life should be given to every new believer!
Discovering God's infinite love for us in Christ, discovering our identity, living in Grace and letting Him live through us, we never knew what LIFE really was until we knew Grace!!
He is our Life...words cannot do justice to the joy of the Wonderful Mystery!!
Much love to you both, brothers of the heart. :)
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