Saturday, June 5, 2010

Is lust and pride a sin?

Pang William Is lust and pride a sin? If no, why would Eve and Adam had them even before partook of the fruit?

June 5 at 3:05am · ·
  • Sandy Crosby likes this.
    • Pang William A friend said... Lucifer was prideful and desired the praise and worship for himself, therefore he failed and became a fallen angel. Because of Pride, sin came! Therefore sin comes from pride. Is it correct?
      June 5 at 3:16am ·
    • Tonie Campbell
      your friend is right. "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of this world."~1 Jn 2:15-16 satan introduced it to them; he brought the lust with him because he had already fallen by then and that is why he came in the form of a serpent. It is also why God told Adam to "guard" the garden. There had to be something to guard it from. I heard a friend say the reason there is no repentance for satan is because he had no temptor; he is the temptor. Adam and Eve had to be tempted and anytime anyone has fell to sin there was a temptation there to begin with. lucifer had no temptation he brought the lust and pride to them.
      June 5 at 3:27am ·
    • Pang William Thank you Tonie, you're awesome. I'm relieved.
      June 5 at 3:57am ·
    • Tonie Campbell you are welcome my friend :)
      June 5 at 4:08am ·
    • Joy Aj Hmm, didn't raed any where in the Bible that Eve and Adam had pride and lost - sin. Sin was inputed to them after they disobeyed
      June 5 at 6:31am ·
    • Brandon J. Horner yes it is,,,,,,but did not have such thoughts before disobeying God......u know...the knowledge of good and was the knowledge of good and evil that brought separation....
      June 5 at 9:48am ·
    • Noemi Martinez I desagree that lust and pride was in adam and eve before the introduction of satan. The manifestation of consuming the fruit was after listenning to the lie, so the introduction of lust and pride went with the suduction of the enemy. I really don't know anything, but thats just a noemi opinion.
      June 5 at 1:04pm ·
    • Sandy Crosby no but thats why they disobeyed the commandment Brandon///or they wouldnt have,,,i'm stumped on this one sorry Pang, cant help you there lol got mee
      June 5 at 1:26pm ·
    • Brandon J. Horner did they know they were naked before eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil
      June 5 at 1:34pm ·
    • Sandy Crosby i think that since we agree they must have, therefore sin was not imputed until after their eyes were opened,,,for to him that knows to do good yet doeth it not, to him it is sin, also they were inocent ... like a child ...ths is deep, im getting closer to thr answerPang ,,what doyourecon ? say on
      June 5 at 1:35pm ·
    • Brandon J. Horner lust and pride is not a sin if we did not have the knowledge of good and evil...........
      June 5 at 1:37pm ·
    • Brandon J. Horner ever realize the serpent was created before man......
      June 5 at 1:52pm ·
    • Sandy Crosby thats right aye, where there is no law sinis not inputed,,,wow great, because we are not under law like Abraham was justified by faith, we too are. however we do good deedsor works by faith, but not the keeping oflaw
      June 5 at 1:52pm ·
    • Brandon J. Horner again it is the knowledge of good and evil.........
      June 5 at 1:53pm ·
    • Brandon J. Horner when we see a lion kill a gazelle is it evil..........
      June 5 at 1:59pm ·
    • Brandon J. Horner anything that is created by God is thus a separation from Him................................or we would be God too
      June 5 at 2:02pm ·
    • Sherry Ng i like yr question i think a lion killing a gazelle is not sin.
      June 5 at 2:23pm ·
    • Pang William ya... I agreed. Brandon and Sherry... the animals don't know the law. And at that time there was only one law - ie not to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Without the law, lust and pride can not produce sin. So lust and pride by itself isn't sin. If God never said... thou shall not eat. Then the devil can not tempt Eve. She can eat all she wants and still not sin. So is lust and pride there before the fall? I think yes.
      June 5 at 4:09pm ·
    • Jeanne Howard I agree, lust and pride were there. They were not evident & imputed to Adam & Eve until they gave in to the temptation of lust & pride. The reason they gave in was that they wanted more than what they believed God had given them. Fact was, they had everything they needed, but believed the lie that God was holding something back from them. Their response to the serpent's temptation revealed the lust for more.
      June 5 at 4:21pm ·
    • Jeanne Howard As for the animals, they don't know good and evil- God said "Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil, " But the whole world is perverted because Adam & Eve gave their dominion over everything to satan when they gave their allegience to him rather than God.
      June 5 at 4:24pm ·
    • Jeanne Howard
      After a little more thinking on this, Doesn't the bible say that where there is no law, there is no sin? They may have given in to the temptation, but it was not imputed to them as sin, because of what Sandy brought up, Rom 5:13. They did give their dominion over to satan by trusting him over God. That is why God had to banish them from the garden; not because he was mad about them taking the fruit, but that he loved them too much to have them live throughout eternity with that knowledge. "...and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever." Gen3:22 Before they ate, lust & pride may have been present, but they didn't have intimate knowledge of it until they disobeyed. Does that make sense?
      June 5 at 4:43pm ·
    • Brandon J. Horner so who and what is the serpent.................very interesting.........
      June 5 at 8:41pm ·
    • Brandon J. Horner did they know they were naked prior to disobedience......
      June 5 at 8:43pm ·
    • Brandon J. Horner answer is a deceiver came
      June 5 at 8:43pm ·
    • Brandon J. Horner what makes u think they had them before partaking of the fruit....................was it the deceiver who imparted them????
      June 5 at 8:45pm ·
    • Pang William
      I've just posted the following at my the other wall called "CAN YOU ANSWER YOUR OWN QUESTION PLEASE, IS lust & pride a sin?"

      Sandy, my answer is... it depends on the subject. Lust is a desire of our heart and pride is a feeling of esteemed. But lust and Pride by itself is no a sin. You must lust of something, you must take pride in something... right? Ok, If I say... I lust after another woman, that everyone knows is a sin. But if I say... I lust after my wife, that can't possibly be a sin. How about Pride? If I'm prideful of my own achievement, it is a sin. But if I take pride in the work of Christ, that can't be a sin, right? for I'm giving glory to God. I guess we are quite done with lust and pride...

      One more to seek the Lord for answer... what about love? Is love righteous?

      Shall we continue from there? Come and tell us what you know about LOVE. Shalom, Shalom!
      June 5 at 8:46pm ·
    • Brandon J. Horner yes they are and they are u r saying God made adam and eve with this quality already in them.......
      June 5 at 8:50pm ·
    • Sherry Ng dear brothers and sisters in christ, wat is most imp is knowing tat christ has redeemed us of our sins . it does not matter to me where pride and sin comes from.
      June 6 at 12:19am ·
    • Sherry Ng what a fren we have in jesus,all our sins and griefs to bear.what a priviledge to have, everything to god in prayer.
      June 6 at 12:27am ·
    • Noemi Martinez pang thanks for sharing your views on lust and pride. I use to see them only neg. What you said makes sence to me. You asked about love, thats a deep subject never to really be fully understood because god is love and he is more than words or more than any mind could ever understand. But because I always have an opinion, love to me is any thing that reminds me of God himself.
      June 6 at 12:42am ·
    • Sandy Crosby very good....
      June 6 at 2:37am ·
    • Pang William
      Brandon, I believe all the we have, Adam and Eve had also that include the lust and the pride even before the fall. And sin was already in the world but not imputed because there was no law (Rom 5:13). Until the first law came... not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, man had not knowledge of sin. However Adam and Eve hang around that tree (the law) and gave the serpent the opportunity to tempt them. Only after taken the fruit, the law was broken and thus sin was imputed to men.

      I believe if only Adam and Eve didn't hang around the wrong tree but hang around the tree of life. The devil could not tempt her and she could have taken the fruit from the tree of life.

      So what have we learnt here... Satan can only tempt us with the law. Without the law, the devil is powerless. Thank God for Christ has fulfilled the law for us and now we are not under law but under grace. Therefore sin has no dominion over us who are in Christ Jesus.
      June 6 at 5:51pm ·
    • Brandon J. Horner this is getting fun, there was no law til God gave moses the commandments,,,unless u r speaking of a pre-adamic race.......also another view is did or did not God make a perfect being in the beginning........
      June 6 at 10:12pm ·
    • Brandon J. Horner by the way pang....good stuff..........
      June 6 at 10:15pm ·
    • Pang William Extended thinking... Ever wonder why didn't the devil tempt Eve to kill Adam? If he succeeded that's the end of the human race. Isn't that what he wanted... to kill the human race?
      June 8 at 1:54pm ·
    • Sandy Crosby devil might have, but Eve wasnt interested, she may just have said no thanks :)
      ...anyway, I know what your trying to say Pang.
      June 9 at 12:28am ·
    • Sandy Crosby sin was already in the perfect Garden? ... it wasnt imputed? nahhh... lol nah ... dont sound right mate.
      lust & pride were not evil in themselves.. maybe mnn dont like this s&%^$#t
      June 9 at 12:31am ·
    • Pang William Sandy, I don't like it either. Tonie said lust and pride were brought by the devil (see the 2nd comment). I might be wrong. But what ever it was... it wasn't the lust and the pride that caused the sin... it is the tree! the law! If in the first place, that tree wasn't there or Adam and Eve stayed away from that tree... no such thing can happened. Right? So keep out the law!!!
      June 9 at 6:17am ·
    • Brandon J. Horner God created perfection....He Himself said, God saw that all He made and it was very good.........check into the 7th day when He rested...........
      June 9 at 5:20pm ·
    • Brandon J. Horner also to speak of lust and pride sounds like an animal
      June 9 at 5:21pm ·
    • Brandon J. Horner again check the 7th day......knowledge of good and evil changed all.......
      June 9 at 5:23pm ·
    • Brandon J. Horner when dealing with scripture we need spirit aspect in mind as well as the flesh aspect
      June 9 at 5:29pm ·
    • Brandon J. Horner if we are Holy as God is ....does that mean we are God.....just something to think on.........only in the new heaven and earth shall we be truely one again........or otherwise we man say we are God
      June 9 at 5:32pm ·
    • Brandon J. Horner simple answer to why devil didn't temp eve to kill adam.......look to job.......test.....but not kill
      June 9 at 5:41pm ·
    • Pang William
      Brandon, slow down... my question why didn't the devil tempt Eve to kill Adam... indeed hidden a significant truth. We need to seek by the Wisdom in us.

      The truth is... Satan only weapon against us is the law. For there is no law, there is no transgression (Rom 4:15). At that time, there was only one law, a very specific law... Thou shall not eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Therefore Satan has no weapon to tempt Eve to kill Adam. Even if she did, it wasn't a transgression.

      Let the Spirit lead us further... This one and only law is mother of all laws. Once Adam failed by this law, all other laws came alive. Because it is the law of the knowledge of good and evil, good and bad, right or wrong. They eyes of the flesh were opened and immediately they knew that they were naked. From then on... anything which are evil, bad, wrong become sin. Cain killed Abel was a sin. That's why it is called... good and evil.

      Remember one thing... the one and only weapon Satan has is the law. But for us who believed, Christ fulfilled all the good of the law and redeemed us from the curse to give eternal salvation. Therefore now Satan has no more weapon against us for we are not under law but under grace. Don't ever give the weapon back to him!
      June 10 at 12:14am ·
    • Noemi Martinez Thank God for grace, and mercy..... what would of been of me??? No there would not be me with out grace and mercy. Thank God.
      June 10 at 5:30am ·
      June 10 at 8:17pm ·
    • Brandon J. Horner GOD WOULD NOT OF ALLOWED DEVIL TO TEMP EVE TO KILL ADAM,,,,, WOULD ALLOW HER TO TEST HIM AS SHE OBVIOUSLY DID BY EATING THE FRUIT....DID GOD ALLOW SATAN TO KILL JOB IS MY POINT....IT LINES UP WITH God didnt allow satan to kill job but to test him in such a manner was brutal.......but in the end all was good
      June 10 at 8:23pm ·
    • Brandon J. Horner
      back to not eat from tree of knowledge of good and evil.......and wasnt this place edenwhere God had provided food for all without any killin to be done.......meaning the lion and the lamb ate together not the lion eating the lamb.....God made fruit to eat, aned cfrops tpsupply foof, it wasnt til way later He said it is ok to eat all things now......sin sin had been committed or another way of putting it God was disobeyed..........and God took an animals life to make clothes for adam and eve for now they knew they were naked............
      June 10 at 8:31pm ·
    • DAwn Rubin wow...I'm just now reading all this...where have I been for all this wonderful deep talk!!!!..
      June 10 at 9:16pm ·
    • DAwn Rubin
      maybe I'm way off track here but here are my thoughts..
      I don't believe God created lust and pride in Adam and Eve.

      but He did give them a mind to make their own decisions..

      when Satan first tempted first she said "no"
      but then becasause of Satan's pride and craftiness he deceieved she was deceived...

      so is being deceived...and having pride the same thing?
      June 10 at 9:50pm ·
    • Brad Stokes God loves the world unconditionally ,John 3 : 16, How much more does he love those who are his children . Worship is what takes my attention, at this time in life, What I focus on get bigger. Christ Loves you unconditionally.
      June 11 at 12:23am ·
    • Pang William
      Hi Dawn, you missed out this one... much has been discussed here on the subject of whether lust and pride were there before the fall. However I don't think that really matter. The matter is the law... Thou shall not eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. For by the law is the knowledge of sin (Rom 3:20).

      This is a repost from above... The one and only weapon Satan has is the law. But for us who believed, Christ fulfilled all the good of the law and redeemed us from the curse to give eternal salvation. Therefore now Satan has no more weapon against us for we are not under law but under grace (Rom 6:14). Don't ever give the weapon back to him!
      June 11 at 4:30am ·

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