Some Fresh Thirdlevel Foundations
9 hours ago
Jesus said: "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me." (John 14:6). In Him... is the Way. In Him... is the Truth. And in Him... is the Life and Life more abundantly. Only in Him!
1 comment:
First off...Abraham did not give a tenth of all he had. He gave a tenth of the spoils from the battles. The whole story is told in the book of Hebrews TO THE HEBREWS not as a command to anyone to tithe but to show that the priesthood of Christ is better than the levitical priesthood since Levi in the loins of Abraham gave to Melchisedek and therefore the lesser gave to the greater.
When the tithe was given as part of the law, it was the first fruit of their CROPS. It was for the levitical priesthood who tended to the things of the temple and did not work. Any one who wants to follow any point of the Mosaic law had better follow the WHOLE law or else have the law condemn them. Christ fulfills all that is in the law in the Children of Israels' place. Further, since Christ is the "firstfruits of them that slept" he actually BECOMES the tithe or firstfruit of the crop (remember he gathers the WHEAT INTO THE BARN)
I have a bit of news for all of my fellow new covenant gentile christian brethren.....we were NEVER under the old covenant and so we are not under the new covenant either. The words "new testament" are certainly not in the manuscripts and are therefore an interpretation. Read Jer. 31:30 carefully and slowly and see who the new covenant is for. The new covenant will be established when Christ returns the second time and it will be established with the JEWS when they are gathered together from the four quarters of the earth and brought into the kingdom promised to Abraham and his seed. The law will be written on THEIR hearts and ALL will know the Lord. Has anyone seen this happen yet??
What we believers in Christ have today is a hope far greater than an earthly kingdom that was promised to Israel. We are saved now... they will be saved then. We are sealed now Eph1:13...they will be sealed then Rev 7:4.
We are already "seated in the heavenlies" as Paul writes in the letter to the Ephesians. We are part of the "ekklesia which is His body" a hope NEVER given to the children of Israel. Yes....after the thousand year kingdom on earth where Israel is the "head and not the tail" and after Satan is released from the abyss and destroyed, we will enter the eternal state and the differences between the promised people of God and those who believe in Christ during this present eon will be no more.
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